Sonnenberg History
New English Version Stand 11-06-2006
.... The chronicle of the castle Sonnenberg 1126 are the allegedly oldest mention of the name Sonnenberg in one of archbishop Adalbert of Mainz issuing however only in copy receive document, in which a Wulframus de Sunneberc appears as a witness. With this copy it seems however, just like with one further the archbishop Arnold of Mainz 1157 in some Crafto de Sunnenberg mentions itself falsifications to concern. 1170 and 1180 receive the brothers count Ruprecht IV (as well Rupert called) and count Heinrich II from Nassau among other things to the Wiesbadener King yard of emperor Friedrich Barbarossa to the Lehen, in order to put the Mainzer policy of expansion a latch plate forward. Therewith the Nassauer possesses the substantial part ehmaligen King special , of it eastern part is in the possession of the Mainzer of Cathedral chapter. 1180 and 1190 as receive to the Borrow reliably Nassauer, to the noble-free Gerhardt II of Hainahusen living, is given a proven trailer of the Cathedral capital and opponent of the Nassauer, to the Lehen. It calls itself from now on Gerhardt I von Eppstein. The Eppsteiner of the five Mainzer archbishops 13. Century alone four place, come thereby into the possession of Rambach and threaten the Nassauische Area. 1220 we in reaction the brother Gottfrieds I von Eppstein, Siegfried
II to the archbishop of Mainz selected. The Nassauer is forced to act
and establishes briefly on it the donjon as fastened Vorposten
( first fortress) to the monitoring of the valley and as firm base
for large military actions. Over it they do not come like differently
to expect, into a controversy with the Mainzer Cathedral capital. This
is subordinate up to 16. Century, which Area Bierstadt, to which the
Sonnenberger area partly belonged. From the building of the attachment
does not only result a changed military situation, which Cathedral
capital also a part of its tax receipts and other income extracted.
The process of the border between the two territories does not seem
to have been exactly fixed, thus territorial disputes still for many
decades drags on. 1231 occur Ruprecht the medal and count Heinrich II become exclusive gentleman of the house Nassau. 1232 are married the daughter by Heinrich II, Elizabeth, with Gerhardt II by Eppstein, durable peace between the two disliked families do not come off however not. In the opposite, now the tensions with the Stauferkoenig Heinrich VII arise, possibly as reaction to the collection of the City Wiesbaden for the Reichstadt ( Capital City) and the loss exerted by it of the there Nassauischen rights. 1240 close Heinrich II of Nassau of the prince opposition under Cologne Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden, relatives and King Heirich a II, against staufische emperor house on. After the capture of the Archbishop Konrad Heinrich II. becomes. 1242 again political faction king Konrad IV and receive apparently its old rights and powers in Wiesbaden back. Thus the Mainzer archbishop Siegfried III of Eppstein lets the realm city Wiesbaden and probably also the small castle plant Sonnenberg destroy. 1255 division of the Nassaui possession by the sons Heinrichs II, Otto I and Walram II. The castle Sonnenberg falls at Walram he that it for 500 Mark at petrols pawned. 1274 Adolf start the follow-up of its father Walram. 1277/1278 to attain Adolf the Possession rights in Wiesbaden again. Thus also the Sonnenberger Castle receives again its original function back. Develop renewed disputes with the Eppsteinern, which seized since 1242 of some nassauischen rights.
1292 the choice Adolf from Nassau to the German King. In the future the castle plant is extended. Palas and wells develop. Its son Rupert marries Agnes of Boehmen and the castle as dowry is pawned. How often Adolf was in Sonnenberg, in Wiesbaden stayed he is not well-known as can be prove 1293 and 1297. 1298 in the battle of Goellheim fall Adolf of Nassau against its adversary Albrecht of Habsburg. 1299 take over its oldest son Rupert V the government of the walramischen house and remain an opponent Albrechts by Habsburg. 1304 dies Rupert. His brother count Gerlach von Nassau takes over the government of the walramischen house and outsons themselves with Albrecht out, to which Gerlachs engagement with Agnes of Hessen mediate and provide for their Austeuer.(Wedding added) 1314 is crowned Ludwig the Bavarian and Friedrich the beautiful one from having castle to the German King. Gerlach seizes the Side of the Habsburgers with also the Pfalzgraf Rudolf I the older brother of Ludwig of the Bavarian and brother-in-law Gerlachs allies be-being this leads..... 1318 for the unsuccessful siege of Wiesbaden and plundering of the surrounding area, probably also the castle Sonnenberg by king Ludwig von Bayern and its allied one to those the archbishops Peter of Mainz and Balduin von Trier belong and naturally to Gottfried II of Eppstein belong. Imagina, which dies the wife Koenigs Adolfs and buried in the monastery Klarenthal. 1320 reconciliation Gerlachs with king Ludwig He support in now against Friedrich. Probably now the repair and beginning of the last castle extension take place. 1337 to marry Gerlach Irmgard of Hohenlohe - Weikersheim and his daughter the Count von Hanau. The castle is again pawned. 1344 intend Gerlach his two sons Adolf and Johann, for its successors and withdraw themselves with its second wife after Sonnenberg. The castle serves now for the first time as durable domicile. 1346 begins Gerlachs of sons as Adolf I and Johann I the government and the son of the same name Gerlachs from the Pope to the new Mainzer Archbishop is appointed. This leads again to tensions with Ludwig, since archbishop Gerlach operates the choice of the Luxenburgers Karl to the New King and contractually bound brothers are at king Ludwig and on the side of Karl pulls his father. In the process of the Mainzer Bistumstreites the nassauischen areas are drawn strongly in. 1351 on operation Irmgards receive in the run the time developed the settlement Sonnenberg, in the valley from emperor Karl IV municipal rights. 1355 the walramische possess-hurry the house Nassau into the county wet outer Idstein (Adolf I) and Nassau - because castle (Johann I) divided. Under the guardianship of its mother strength and Ruprecht, Gerlachs of sons from its second marriage with Irmgard take over, the rule over Sonnenberg with the villages Auringen and Kloppenheim. This is denied by Adolf and Johann. 1356 nimmmt strength at the War of France against England part and fall in the battle of Maupertuis on 19 September. 1360 are recognized Rupercht, which should become originally monk, of Adolf and Johann as a King. Of Sonnenberg. 1361 die Gerlach and Ruprecht take over the rule of Sonnenberg. 1362 to marry Ruprecht Anna von Nassau Nassau-Hadamar, those 1365 with Mainzer permission are bewittumt. Ruprecht a part of its rule shifts 1367 to its brother Adolf at the same time pawns to this however again a part of its Wiesbadener of possession to Irmengard, Ruprecht and his wife. Anna. The reasons this strange trade are unsettled. 1369 begin the feud Ruprechts, in the future "the martial one" receives the leg name to which, with Johann I von Nassau- Dillenburg, which head of the ottoischen line, there Ruprecht the entire deduction of his father-in-law, stresses the land count Heinrich of Hessen. This feud connects itself with the simultaneous fights of the star federation, to a knight combination against land count Heinrich, who is supported by Ruprecht. 1370 dies Adolf, the stepbrother Ruprechts and 1371 dies his mother Irmgard (in the monastery Liebenau with Worms) and its stepbrothers Johann and Archbishop Gerlach. 1372 begin the first weapon course against the Dillenburger, to 1374 last. The city Hadamar falls at Anna, the country under Ruprecht and Johann of Nassau Dillenburg is divided. 1381 are appointed Ruprecht by King Wenzel the Landvogt of the Wetterau. The second feud with dillenburgern begins, that follows 1382 the third feud. the chapel tower and an eternal fair donates 1384 Ruprecht in honours the chapel tower and eternal fair donates of the holy Katharina. 1385 end the third feud with the Dillenburgern in their process it to Ruprecht succeed all fights away from Sonnenberg to keep. But to peace it does not come. 1387 it is outwardly actively involved in the so-called Hattstein War on sides of the Rheinisch Wetterauischen City Federation against the rheinischen aristocracy. On 4 September 1390 dies Ruprecht, which becomes only independent rulers of Sonnenberg, child loose those rule of Sonnenberg, as agreed upon, Anna as Wittum assigned. Since she wants to marry however Diether of Katzenellenbogen, explain Walram IV of Nassau Idstein and Philipp I von Nassau-Weilburg the Wittunsrecht for expired, so that Sonnenberg does not come into wrong hands. 1391 take place a comparison with Anna. Walram and Philipp receive half of the castle and as much from the rights, as reward of the tower guardians, guards and doormen of this half are sufficient. The other half keeps Anna up to its death, afterwards its part is to fall to the two nassauischen lines. In addition a burgfrieden between Walram and Philipp is agreed upon. In the case of a feud sun mountain remains neutral. Now Anna can marry again. 1404 dies Anna, who outlives also its second man. The division of the rule of Sonnenberg between Adolf II of Nassau Idstein and Philipp of Nassau-Weilburg because castle follows, whereby also the castle is divided. Adolf receives "low been areas the on of the lock gate to to the large stairs, when were there, the house because of the clock tower, everything builds and places the wall up, scrubs to to the lock gate". Philipp receives "the old house worinen the large tower the high control room stands, then under the stairs a horse stable on it a memory, with the part of the yard to it and against the clock tower over a cattle yard including scrubs and to stables". In addition each of the two lines uses a manager, the so-called cellar, for the collection of the taxes and deliveries. A special interest in the preservation of the castle, which loses its military value by the invention of riffles increasingly, exists with none of the two lines. 1458 receive Johann II from Nassau Idstein, Kanonikus to Mainz and Cologne, to the nassauischen - read idsteinischen part to its rehearsing. In the future count Philipp II gets controversy with the cathedral capital, since he stresses this opposite tenth of the goods around the chapel of the holy cross and lets also raise. Thereupon it and its cellar with the church spell are occupied. Pawns 1488 Philipp II its portion with the Mainzer agreement to the Knight Philipp of Bicken. 1489 are closed a comparison between Philipp II and the Mainzer cathedral capital. Mainz keeps tenth, however no replacement for from Philipp the II already raised part receives. Of 1527 and 1554 exist two inventory registers, which give information over the castle. Enumerated at areas, chamber will become with the room, room, rider chamber, farmer chamber, old Room, hall chamber, hall, small Stuebchen ( little Room) with the hall, course with the kitchen, bath tube, at special buildings called; Brewing house, baking house, cattle house, Kelderhaus ( Wineroom) and bread chamber, as living Iventar are called among other things five milking cows, 12 pigs, 50 muttons and 30 sheep. In the Schmalkald war, in their process 1546 the Wiesbadener area expenditure-robbed. 1547 many buildings particularly inzo to fire, the castle seems not to have suffered.. 1554 divide Philipp the old man to Nassau -Idstein its country among its sons Balthasar and Philipp the young man, the Sonnenberg receive and domestic furnish themselves there. Disputes with wet outer because castle, those develop 1557 to be settled. 1558 dies Philipp the old man. Thus the castle again domicile one governing Count and experiences their last short bloom. 1566 dies Philipp the young man unmarried. Afterwards the castle keep-draws finally, since both the Weilburger, which do not contribute already long no more to its preservation, and the Idsteiner none use more for it have. 1604 exist a letter of the weilburgischen Kellers(of manager) to its gentleman, in whom he reported, which was already uninhabitable its part of the lock ever more ideas and, in addition, Wiesbaden to their house, where he, that lives cellars, now, nothing more built, so that the roofs purged and the water penetrates through the cowers through into the cellar. 1605 dies the Idsteinisch line out and count Ludwig II of Nassau-Weilburg because castle become owner of however of all walramischen areas. Mainz refuses however the Belehnung(borrow) with Sonnenberg to it, since the cure archbishop Johann Schweickhard of Kronberg, which stresses idsteinischen part for the church. 1611 it however Ludwig must pawn. From that same year originates the suggestion of the upper office man Stein on Weilburg because castle to break the still usable wood off of the castle for the forthcoming renewal of the castle house in blowing. Ludwig does not correspond to this suggestion however. In the course of the 30-year of war however, as cure Mainz 1636 to 1646 in the third robbery war the Wiesbadener area keep occupied, leave Kurmainzische Rentmeister to Wiesbaden, Johann Philipp Seelgen of Sonnenberg, wood of the castle to take out and of it a house which was because of the Citywall to build. 1672 become sun mountain, and probably also the castle been in the war against Ludwig XIV. of France of the allied ones (imperial ones and Brandenburger) into fire. Up to the prohibition duke of William I von Nassau in the year 1816 is used the castle as quarry. 1814 undertake Gothe on invitation of the Aebtissin from stone a walk after Sonneberg, in order to spend there "in the proximity old lock" the eve of its 65 birthday (28-08). 1826 take itself the nursing center - corporation of the popular trip goal on. An economy, a prospect temple and a tower tube develop. The castle area is arranged park similar, without consideration for existing wall courses. With the income wet from 1866 come the castle into the possession of the Prussian State of, that it 1873 to the city Wiesbaden sell. In the future further changes are made. 1880/1883 extensive security work take place, particularly on the northeast side. 1945 arrange the terrible bomb attack on Wiesbaden, at the night of 2 on 3 February also on the Sonnenberger castle damage. The restaurant and house of the manager are destroyed. In the future the donjon is robbed by Pluenderer of its local history museum, the timberwork and the interior stairs. 1952 after the removal of the war damage take place the reopening of the castle. A new Burgschaenke is built and the donjon receives again interior stairs. 1958 are again opened the castle museum. 1961 must be concluded the donjon from safety reasons. 1964 are restored and a roof on the donjon is installed. 1966 are increased the restaurant and receive a cultivation. 1968 are again opened the donjon. 1976 repair a citizens' initiative in the course of the castle reorganization untern the Castle Yard 1988 are reconditioned the tower room and the donjon on operation of Mr. Thorsten Reiß, again regularly made for the public accessible. 1989 the opening of the first part of the castle museum takes place. 1992 are developed the chapel tower without previous archaeological investigation as camp and place of event. 1993 must become closed the donjon because of state of decay of the neogotischen fliers from that 19 century, the castle museum pull into the chapel tower. 1995 must vacate the castle museum again. 1998 the reopening of the castle museum takes place in the donjon. 2006 necessary external renovation of the donjon. Impressum : Thorsten Reiß More information from this history . Heimatverein Sonnenberg, Talstr. 17, 65183 Wiesbaden- Sonnenberg or www.Thorsten Reiß Verlag. |
© Michael Ungermann |
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